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Ben Sandbrook
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Research on early years arts and culture in Yorkshire and the Humber, for CapeUK
Where ideas are growing
March 2017
Good Questions is a social learning network for online workshops, courses and tools, where people assess their knowledge, understanding and skills together and learn from each other’s experiences and ideas.
Good Questions
March 2015
How do you measure musical progress? A poster depicting the main ways in which musical learners and the people that support them measure and monitor musical progress.
Understanding achievement in musical progression
January 2015
What are the things that get in the way of people fulfilling their musical potential, time after time? This poster depicts some common barriers for musical progression journeys.
Common barriers for musical progression journeys
January 2015
The Musical Progressions Panorama was the culmination of the Musical Progressions Roundtable, which I run, along with Awards for Young Musicians.
Musical Progressions Panorama
December 2014
Working with Earlyarts I produced an international review of evidence and effective practice in early years arts, culture and creativity for Arts Council Ireland's early years strategy.
Arts Council Ireland
September 2014
Systems Learning is an online learning resource, for learning about systems thinking, run by the Schumacher Institute.
Systems Learning
June 2014
Richard Sandbrook's Place is an online platform for deep thinking and big ideas about sustainable development in the modern world.
Richard Sandbrook's Place
February 2014
An international survey of effective practice and evidence of impacts for arts in the early years
Early years arts: international evidence and practice
July 2013
This poster shows the 'ingredients in an environment for progression'.
Progression ingredients poster
February 2013
The Musical Progressions Roundtable is a network of organisations, from right across the breadth of music education, looking at how we could work together to realise all children and young people's musical potential.
Supporting all children's musical progression
January 2013
This poster depicts an array of core activities that a partnership of organisations could work on together, in order to create excellent environments to support children and young people's progression.
A skeleton strategy for creating progression environments
January 2013
The 'Musical Bridges Programme' is a DIY professional develop kit for music educators, working together, to improve practice and environment for students moving from Primary to Secondary school.
Musical Bridges Professional Development Programme for Music Educators
November 2012
Musical Bridges was a Special Initiative of the Paul Hamlyn Foundation, with additional funding from the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation.
Musical Bridges website
November 2012
Who, or what, are the different people, organisations, activities and other things involved in children and young people's musical progressions? If you're involved in supporting progression, who could you be working with, what could you looking to harness or mobilise or support?
Agents in the musical progression environment
July 2012
This poster features a model of the complicated musical progression environment, and a diagram of the 'ingredients' in that environment.
Progression environments and ingredients poster
July 2012
The Impulse programme has been designed, developed and growing at the Purcell School of Music in Hertfordshire
Impulse young music leadership programme
June 2012
A resource pack of films, research and insights for anyone working with looked after children and music.
Looked after children and music
June 2012
How can we create an education now for tomorrow's musical adults at a time with so much change in music, in the creative economy, and in the world at large?
Creating tomorrow's musical adults
June 2012
What kind of leadership do we need to support musical progression most successfully?
Leadership for musical progression
June 2012
Music is wonderful! Children and young people love music. Yet the recent Ofsted triennial tells us that music is really not very good in two thirds of our schools, and that’s against a backdrop of unprecedented effort over recent years to support music education. Put plainly, why are we finding it so hard to get music education right?
Music is wonderful; why is music education so difficult?
June 2012
What does it take to change practice in supporting creativity? Here are seven pivotal questions to provoke reflection.
7 self-reflection questions for nurturing creativity
May 2012
Moving On is a professional development programme for advanced Early Years music making.
Moving on: professional development for advanced Early Years music making
March 2012
What does potential look like? How can we identify it? How can we support it?
How to spot musical potential
March 2012
South West Music School share their approach to encouraging and developing the talent and potential of young musicians, in this collection of films, case studies and practice write-ups.
How does South West Music School support musical ability
March 2012
An interactive visualisation explaining social pedagogy for looked after children
Social pedagogy for looked after children
February 2012
This collection of research, films and interactive visualisations looks at how some of the UK's top music education ensembles support progression.
How the National Youth Music Ensembles support musical ability
February 2012
'Music-based mentoring' covers a wide range of music-based interactions, focussing on supporting children and young people's whole development (personal, social, emotional) through music.
A guide to music-based mentoring
February 2012
A highly popular learning resource for tuning into children's musical ideas.
Tuning into children's musicality - nurturing children's ideas
January 2012
An interactive visualisation for learning about providing structured volunteering opportunities.
A practical guide to supporting structured volunteering opportunities for young people
November 2011
Between 2009 and 2010 Youth Music pulled together 60 senior music education figures to ask what they considered to be the most important factors in creating music-making opportunities and harnessing music’s potential in young children’s lives.
Early years music-making ingredients
November 2011
Have you ever seen or developed something fantastic and been frustrated more people didn't know about it?
Sharing effective practice
November 2011
The Youth Music Network is an online community for people who work in and around music education in the UK.
Youth Music Network
November 2011
A resource pack offering guidance for young people about navigating the landscape of musical opportunities.
Guidance for young people on finding and choosing opportunities to make music
October 2011
Leeds Music Passport Project was a young-music-leadership programme supporting Primary--Secondary transition
Leeds Music Passport: young music leadership development
October 2011
This is a guide for people who are producing, or thinking of producing, a resource pack -- in other words, it's a resource pack for making resource packs!
A guide for producing resource packs
September 2011
The SoundJunction website is a rich, immersive musical learning experience, designed for young people to explore, discover and create music.
September 2005
The DfE published a draft proposed new National Curriculum for England recently, covering all statutory subjects for all state schools (except Academies and Free Schools). It could be a fantastic opportunity to influence widespread positive change. Or...
What do you think about the new National Curriculum?
At the end of 2014, the Musical Progressions Roundtable came together in a 'Progression Panorama' to look broadly at progression-related issues. We worked on what might be a long-term vision for music education...
Music and music education in 2050: where could we be?
Recently, I took part in a discussion about the ‘dimensions of music’, which feature in the current English National Curriculum for music and also in the proposed new one.
Alternative dimensions of music
I have been supporting Glyndebourne Education with strategy development and workshop facilitation.
Glyndebourne Education
There are a many huge reasons why creative arts activity with children in their early years is significant, and why we should support it and get involved. I’ve tried to narrow it down to six…
Why work with young children and creative arts?
How do you go about successfully engaging young people in music-making?
Starting points for young people: what are the key ingredients for an effective engagement in music making?
Supported Arts Council England with several projects around Early Years and Professional Development
Arts Council England
Youth Music Mentors was a programme supporting the development of music-based mentoring with young people in challenging circumstances
Youth Music Mentors
A blog about measuring and measurements for progression
How do we provide for progress?
I set up World Pencil in 2015/16. It's a charity and a social enterprise focussing on the coming together of arts, education and sustainable development.
World Pencil
The Voltage Programme supported structured volunteering opportunities with young people in challenging circumstances
Voltage Programme
Measuring what, with what, and what impact does it have on learning?
How do we measure progress and progression?
I designed for BitC a poster and report communicating a complex set of scenarios and strategies around sustainable water management.
Business in the Community
The MusicLeader programme was Youth Music's workforce development programme, building a network of regional offices to support the music education workforce across England.
The Musical Bridges Initiative, funded by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation, is working to help primary and secondary schools strengthen their students' experience of transition in music, and also looking at how music can help with their broader transition.
Musical Bridges
A set of ingredients for supporting creative arts in the early years, put together by the Early Years Strategic Roundtable.
Ingredients for creative arts in the early years
I'm supporting Awards for Young Musicians' Peer-mentoring programme - Talent to Talent - with strategy, workshop facilitation and training for young musicians.
AYM Peer mentoring programme
Broadly speaking, if you want lots of people to benefit from the effective practice that's developed by a few people, you can either mandate it into policies or you can enable people to adopt, customise and own it themselves.
The Mining, Minerals and Sustainable Development Project (MMSD) was an $8million, two-year global project of participatory and consultative research and analysis, seeking to understand how the mining and minerals sector could contribute to the transition to sustainable development.
Mining, Minerals and Sustainable Development Project
I've been supporting Merseyside Music Education Hubs with joint strategy around creativity, partnership, progression and young people leading their own learning.
Merseyside Music Hubs
The SoundJunction website is an immersive interactive musical learning experience for children and young people.
The Musical Progressions Roundtable network met in June to look at how we could support Hubs to support children and young people's musical progression.
How could Music Education Hubs most effectively support musical progression: Musical Progressions Roundtable meeting write-up
I worked alongside Earlyarts to produce an audit, mapping, analysis and survey of effective practice of arts, culture and creativity in the early years for A New Direction - the London Arts Council Bridge Organisation.
A New Direction
Youth Music is the UK's leading charity supporting music-making opportunities for children and young people, particularly those in challenging circumstances.
Youth Music
At a meeting of the Musical Progressions Roundtable in the Spring, we looked at how joined-up support for musical progression is taking place and taking shape across England. CYP leading their own learning, liberating technology, partnership maintenance, Hubs and schools, inclusion, communications... Here's an account of we heard about and what we discussed.
Joined-up strategies for musical progression: what do they look like in practice?
Futures and futurising - why bother? A post on trends, culture, stagation, education, world challenges and our attitudes for change.
Futures: cultures, trends, forecasts and making it happen yourself
An exploration of what progression looks like in children's musical journeys. (Guest blog for Earlyarts.)
Very few people can be the best, everybody can be exceptional
A highly influential network of music education professionals looking together at how musical progression can most effectively be supported.
Musical Progressions Roundtable
A network of organisations that worked together to support Early Years music-making in the UK.
National strategic roundtable for Early Years and creative learning
The Early Years Strategic Roundtable is a national alliance of organisations supporting creative experiences in the expressive arts for children in their early years.
Early Years Strategic Roundtable: progress update
Born Creative Together Creating is a campaign supporting parents and carers to nurture their children's creativity through the arts.
Born Creative, Together Creating